How do you change the look of exterior brick?

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Bricks are well known as classic building materials. Although they come in various sizes, one thing you can be sure of is that they can withstand the test of time. But truth be told, as years go by, bricks tend to lose their natural sparkle. This is especially true with exterior bricks. Therefore, a little upgrade will go a long way into maintaining the attractiveness of your home adding to its value.

Below are a few useful, yet easy ways to change the look of exterior brick. Here we go!

Stain It

Sometimes bricks fade out due to various environmental factors, such as exposure to too much sunlight over the years. Therefore, if everything else in the exterior of your house looks fine except the colour of the brick, staining is the perfect option.

It makes your exterior easy to maintain than regular paint. Plus, the application process is simple. All you need to do is apply the stain on the surface of the brick, and let it absorb the colour. It works like dye and helps to keep the brick’s natural variation safe to a few colour variations (like some lighter than others).

Replace Loose Bricks

Brick restoration is the best thing you can do to your ageing home. They not only improve the general structural outlook of your house but also gives it a warm welcoming feel. It’s also the best way to restore outdated houses, giving the walls longevity. The most common way of replacing loose bricks is replacing them with new ones using brick slip installers. If you’re not good at DIY projects, get an expert to help you out. The last thing you want is to interfere with the surrounding bricks.

Clean It

The older the bricks get, the darker they become. This is because dirt tends to get into the bricks, and sticks inside there changing the colour over time. But there is nothing a good wash cannot transform. It’s advisable to always begin by giving the bricks a thorough cleaning. Because, sometimes, it’s only the only thing they needed!

If after the cleaning you still feel the need to change a few out of line bricks, consider using brick slips. They’re equally durable and quite affordable

Whitewash It

For a long time, whitewash exteriors have been associated with farmhouses. But not anymore. Currently, the style is spreading like wildfire, especially among DIY enthusiasts and it isn’t complicated to achieve. You simply apply a watered down type of paint on the bricks and then whip it away. The result is an attractive rustic-like vintage appearance.

Paint It

Painting bricks may seem like a lot of work, but once you get started, there is no stopping. It’s addictive, especially when you’re motivated by the thought of giving your house a fresh eye-catching appearance. The choice of paint colour depends on your preference. You might decide to go bold, or simply add some lightness.

 However, before you choose this option, ensure you’re ready for the maintenance costs. Like staining, you apply the paint on the surface of the brick and leave it to dry. Also, this is a perfect option if you want to achieve a flat uniform colour.

In Conclusion

The above ways are not conclusive, as there are many other options for changing the look of the exterior brick. But, whichever choice you make, ensure it suits your style and is easy to maintain.

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